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I think that the most important thing in life is to have friends, except for parents of course. A best friend is always there, whether you need advice, or pep talk, or even a shoulder to cry on. A best friend listens with her heart and is always honest with you, even though the truth may not be what you want to hear. So I'm going to talk little about my best friend Evelina. Just good things, so you don't have to worry.

I first met Evelina when we started in the same class in fourth grade. I never talked to her and a thought that she was little weird and a think she thought the same about me. She was only a school friend, but one day before summer two years later I talked to her. I don't know why, but I am happy that I did. For one second I felt that I have known her in all my life. We laugh, had fun and started to enjoy with each other after school. So never judge people before you have spoken to them.

Evelina is a considerate, happy, funny, kind friend with the heart on the right place. She is always there when it's hard and you need someone to talk to. She knows what she wants and if we are in the middle in a discussion and she knows that she have right I always have to give up.

When I am with Evelina a can always bee myself and I feel confident with her. Of course sometimes you get on each others nerves but maybe that's good, you can't always be friends. We share almost the same interests and music. We have always fun and sometimes we can't stop laughing. It's fun to go travel with Evelina and my first long trip without parents was with her. We went to Spain and visited my grandfather and grandmother. We are scouts and we have been on many jamborees together. When you are in a camp you always are together and you getting to know the persons really good then. I think a small part of our friendship comes from here. We have also been in Norway twice for skiing. And if it's boring we can make it fun without any problem.

So Evelina, I want you too know that I'm happy that you are my friend and it means a lot to me. A friendship cannot be bought or sold. Hope you know that.

Postat av: Evelina

iiih:D:D:D:D really good speech!

2008-03-19 @ 00:39:49
URL: http://www.frkwerner.blogg.se
Postat av: Anonym

åh vad fint hannis! o jag instämmer:)

2008-03-19 @ 14:11:50
URL: http://blixtrar.blogg.se
Postat av: kits

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URL: http://https://about.me/clockinsertparts

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